Privacy Policy

Privacy Notices
For further information about the type of information we hold about you, how we use this and how you can access it, please view our ‘Your Information, Your Rights’ leaflet by clicking the button right. This leaflet describes how Provide collects, uses, retains and discloses personal information. Different organisations sometimes use different terms and it can be referred to as a privacy statement, a fair processing notice or privacy notice.
How can you access your information?
You can also contact Provide by writing to:
Quality and Safety Team
900 The Crescent
Colchester Business Park
We will then send you full details on how to proceed. Under most circumstances, you are entitled to receive a copy of your records. However, you should be aware that in some cases your right to see some details in your records may be limited in your own interest or for other reasons which will be explained to you. Under normal circumstances there is no charge to you to access your records.
The application to access your records can be made by you, a person authorised by you in writing, or a person appointed by court to manage your affairs if the court has decided that you are not able to do so yourself. Alternatively you can download a copy of the Access to Record Application form below.
Important notes
Applications must be made in writing. A signed consent form must be sent with the application, along with appropriate identification. lt is the responsibility of the applicant to provide enough information to enable Provide to identify his/her records. Solicitors and third parties must provide evidence to show they are authorised to act on the service user’s behalf.
Time period
Once we have received your application and consent form, we will respond within one month to provide the information you have requested. Very occasionally it may not be possible to comply within this time frame, but you will be informed if this is the case within one month of receipt of your request to explain why the extension is necessary. In order to avoid a delay, please specify the nature of the information you require on the application form.
Sending the information
Unless you request otherwise, the information will be sent to you electronically by secure email. You will need to make a one-time registration to access the secure portal to view your records. You will be sent instructions on how to do this.
If you require a hard copy of the records to be sent to you, please specify this on the application form. These will be sent to you by recorded delivery and will require your signature on receipt. You also have the option to collect the records personally or you can choose to come in to view the records with an appropriate health professional. Please choose which method you would like on the application form.
Limited access
Current legislation allows for limited access in certain cases, such as:
If a clinician believes that the service user or another person would beharmed by the access, the request may be refused in part or whole.
Third person involvement – where a third party has divulged information in confidence to a clinician concerning the service user, and the information was given on the basis that it would not be shared with the service user, these parts of the record will not be released.
The service user has requested that information is not disclosed to any third party.
Incorrect or incomplete information
If you are dissatisfied with the way we have dealt with your request, please write to:
Provide Customer Service Team
900 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park,
Colchester, Essex C04 9YQ.
If you are still not happy with the outcome of our review you can contact the Information Commissioners Office at:
Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Phone: 0303 123 1113
Further information:
All of our staff and those who work with us to provide your care, have a duty to treat information about you confidentially, hold it safely and share it only when necessary in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation and the Caldicott Principles.
We have a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.